포를란 [556032] · MS 2015 · 쪽지

2018-05-14 16:26:24
조회수 561

혹시 영잘알 옯분들 계신감 ㅠ

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00017111280

Let us suppose that Seoul National University bought some new land to extend the campus, not deciding the use of the additional land yet. Since there are so many people with different values and attitudes, there will be various opinions on how to use the newly purchased land. Some people may think Seoul National University should build more athletic facilities there. They think there are not enough buildings for athletic purposes on the original campus. Therefore, they believe more athletic facilities on the new campus would help students’ health improve. But I am on the other side. I think turning the land into a small park with a garden, benches, and tables will be a better option for two supporting reasons.

First of all, a cozy park with gardens, benches, and tables will help tired students rest both mentally and physically. As students of Seoul National University generally study hard and sometimes they stay up all night studying, they need a place to relax and refresh. 

Second, a beautiful park may be used by both school members and non-school members. In contrast, athletic facilities may be used by only school members. Therefore, making a new park with many resting places will help more people in a positive way. 

It is natural that people express several diverse opinions on this issue about Seoul National University’s potential new land. And I believe the park option is a better one. More people will be benefited from the new park than the other option, since both people inside and outside the school can use the park for free.

여기서 좀 문법상 어색한 부분이나... 어휘가 어색한 것... 그런거 지적해주실수 있는분 계신가용 ㅠㅠ 

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