게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0001448084
Been tumbling down quick first right from the start
I never learned just get up and go on
Until I'm just knocked right off of my feet
But it's not the fall that hurts
It's when you hit the ground
Cuz it's not the fall that hurts
It's when you hit the ground
Stumblin' with every step I take
And it seems I can't get a grip
I'm soon gonna slip
And then I look down
I see the fur ground
Is closening fast again
And then boom
But it's not the fall that hurts
It's when you hit the ground
Cuz it's not the fall that hurts
It's when you hit the ground
fall fall fall fall fall fall... falling apart....
But it`s not the fall that hurts
It`s when you hit the ground
Cuz it`s not the fall that hurts
It`s when you hit the ground
0 XDK (+0)
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