askldfjkwoqoa [759973] · MS 2017 · 쪽지

2017-09-09 23:17:21
조회수 416

자작 영어 빈칸 만들어 봤습니다(퀄리티 보장 못 합니다)

게시글 주소:

34. Our body was originally designed for tasks _______________________. The physical equipment we have inherited is restricted — and eventually often overburdened. The station hall was not built for the lark; and not for man, at whose cradle no one sang the songs of steam. Our primordial nature is inadequate when faced with these demands; inescapable, our nakedness is always there beneath the clothing of artifice. In the dawn of history these hands served to gather fruit or to wield a club, but not to play the piano. These eyes were skilled at seeking out the prey and enemies of man, but not the debris of lunar craters or the diminutive life in a drop of water.

*primordial : 태고의

1. simpler than the one now before it
2. which can be solved at all times
3. irrelevant to our basic needs
4. thought to be trivial nowadays
5. overwhelming for ancient humans

컴퓨터를 못 쓰는 상황이라 어쩔 수 없이 모르비에서 직접 썼는데, 확실히 읽기 불편하게 나오는 감이 있네요ㅠ

난이도는 중하?

오류 지적 환영합니다~~

지문 출처는 이곳

최대 1개 선택 / ~2017-09-16

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