에임하이 [702113] · MS 2016 · 쪽지

2017-07-31 00:40:02
조회수 773

예전에 만든 영어 자작 빈칸입니다!

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00012736006

This is a materialistic age, when money ________, and when much of it is needed to keep the wolf from the door. The financial situation seems often absolutely impelling, and the temptation

is almost irresistible to forget everything else in supplying present needs. I need not enlarge upon the baleful effects of this tendency, both on the individual and the profession. We can not serve

God and Mammon at the same time, and when Mammon holds the stage, all the better ideals go by the board. If this financial greediness shall manifest itself very generally, whether in the shape of fee-splitting, commissions, excessive or unreasonable charges, unnecessary operations, or what not, we need not be surprised if the general public takes due notice and records its judgment.


* mammon : 탐욕을 상징하는 악마 , 

fee-splitting : (의사·변호사가 환자·의뢰인을 소개해  동업자에게 주는구전



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