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게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0001235521
27. |`3점`|
Stemberg recounts a lesson that he learned from
Big-Mart founder Shawn Big about how to derive
value from every observation. The legendary
merchant loved to ,빈칸
and he required his employees to do the same. Big,
though, “would force you to focus on what they did
better than you did.” He would not allow people to
dismiss their observations and rationalize away
possible problems that might exist back at Big-Mart.
Big could find the smallest thing that a rival did better
than his firm, even at the most poorly run companies.
Put simply, you can spot problems through
observation only if you begin by acknowledging that
problems always exist, even at the best-run
companies. You can always improve. Without that
mindset, all the effort of firsthand observation may be
① defeat the strongest
② locate an observatory
③ find fault with himself
④ share ideas with others
⑤ observe his competition
Pairs of mice were put through a pain test. Each
mouse was placed in a transparent glass tube so that it
could see the other. Either one or both mice were
injected with acetic acid, known to cause a mild
stomachache. Mice responded to this treatment with
stretching movements, suggesting discomfort. The
basic finding was that a mouse would show more
stretching with an injected partner, who was
stretching, too, as opposed to a control partner. Since
this applied only to mice that were cage mates, not to
strangers, it couldn’t be due to a simple negative
association, because then the reaction should have
been the same regardless of whether they knew each
other. Further experiments explored which sense was
involved by comparing mice that couldn’t smell, mice
that couldn’t hear, and mice that were prevented from
seeing each other. Vision turned out to be critical. The
reaction occurred only .빈칸
*acetic acid 아세트산(초산)
① to mice that could not smell or hear
② between mice that could see each other
③ when mice saw strangers, not cage mates
④ when mice could not see themselves clearly
⑤ among mice prevented from seeing their partners
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이미 지운게 많아서 이게 끝이네요 ㅠ
경제리바이벌 2026버전 쪽지 ㄱㄱ 운이 좋아 몇부 구매할 수 있을듯 발송예정일은4/7
인성이 착하고 그리고 귀여움 ㅎ
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