마셔봤더니토 [286279] · MS 2009 · 쪽지

2011-06-08 23:32:58
조회수 565

외국어 문장 질문합니다.~!!(정말쉬운 7문장)

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0001210029

1.in addition, guns were a foreign invention and grew to be emphasized, as did other things foreign in japan after 1600??

이게 as 도치 된것같은데 그.. as가 무슨뜻일때 도치된다 들었는데.. as가 무슨뜻일때 도치되죠???

2.until japan was almost without functional guns again.

앞문장 짤라먹었는데.. 별필요없을것같아서.. almost about without가 무슨뜻인지.. 일본은 되었다 거의 없는상태에서 기능적인총이다시 이렇게해석하는거맞나요?

3. this discovery led him to the conclusion that the comets were really a single comet passing by the earth three different times.

comet~~times에서요 그 행성은 지난다 지구옆에/ 여기까지는 알겟는데 3개다른시간들??

three different time가 어떻게이어져서 해석되는지..

4.which are and which not is something one soon enough learns on one's own.

여기 on one's own이 어떻게 들어간거죠?? own은 명사가아닌데.. one's가 뭐 소유대명사 대충 이런건가요?? 어떻게해석되는지좀..

5.i think it is always best to read the news of the world while the intelligence is still too sleepy to read a good book or to realize what a tragic mess we human being have made of simple preblem of previding bread and cinemas for everybody.

음.. 우선 what~~everybody 주어동사좀 찾아주시구... 그 human being have made에서 being가 어떻게 들어간건지..

6.Lincoln's comment suggests the power of a story like stowe's to shape opinions and affect public debate about important issues.

여기서 power~~ opinions에서 동사가 어디있나요???

7.his gray coloring then change, so that his chin and belly are bright red and his back blue-white.

여기서 then이 먼뜻인가요??? 그리고라는뜻으로 알았는데 그러면 접속사인데 his gray에 동사어딨는지...

답변해주시면 감사하겠습니다 ㅋ

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