케이♡ [633077] · MS 2015 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2017-01-11 19:27:40
조회수 970

심심해서 만든 영어 빈칸 3

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00010628438

시즌 1 : http://orbi.kr/00010157912

시즌 2 : http://orbi.kr/00010613337


English and Korean differ in how they lexicalize the components of motion events. English combines motion with manner, cause, or deixis, and expresses path separately. On the other hand, Korean fuses motion with path and elements of figure and ground in transitive clauses for caused motion, but fuses motion with deixis and spells out path and manner separately in intransitive clauses for spontaneous motion. Children learning English and Korean show sensitivity to language-specific patterns in the way they talk about motion from as early as 17–20 months. For instance, English learners quickly generalize their earliest spatial words — path particles like 'up, down, and in' — to both spontaneous and caused changes of location and, for 'up and down', to posture changes, while Korean learners keep words for spontaneous and caused motion strictly separate and use different words for vertical changes of location and posture changes. These findings challenge the widespread view that                                               .

*lexicalize : 어휘화하다

**deixis : 직시

① English and Korean have alien properties on direction-words

② babies find ways with coordinates system spread in their brains

③ infants easily equate the word 'up' with the meaning of the word

④ children initially map spatial words directly to nonlinguistic spatial concepts

⑤ some kids have an ability to understand semantic organization of their language

원문은 Soonja Choi(최순자씨???)의 'Learning to express motion events in English and Korean: The influence of language-specific lexicalization patterns' 초록입니다.

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