번역해주세요 - 번역왕 ㄱ9함
게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00010207225
이것들좀 번역해 주시면 감사합니다
직역/의역 상관없어요!
<<>>안에든거는 그대로 놔두시면 됩니다. 영어 초고수님들 부탁드립니다!
주제는 우주관련입니다.
Believe it or not, I actually feel better after sleeping a little. |
I'm going to get the rest of the graves dug and inter the crew, which I think will be a really good thing. |
Just to have some sense of closure, you know? |
I want to come up with a few words to say over each of them. I'm gonna take a little private time while I work. |
I'll get back to you in a bit. |
[[delay 60m|crewburiedcrewfirst]] |
:: crewburiedcrewfirst |
<<silently>><<set $capburied = 0>><<set $crewburied = 1>><<endsilently>> |
So I guess my options now are either to go check on the flight deck and hope against hope to find the Captain... |
...or else to explore this end of the ship further. |
<<choice [[Check the flight deck.|walktoflightdeck]]>> | <<choice [[Explore this end.|branchingcorridor]]>> |
:: everybodyburied |
<<silently>><<set $capburied = 1>><<set $crewburied = 1>><<endsilently>> |
Well, that's it. Everyone is buried. |
I guess there's nothing for it but to keep exploring this end of the ship. |
[[branchingcorridor]] |
:: crewburied |
<<silently>><<set $capburied = 0>><<set $crewburied = 1>><<endsilently>> |
Well, that's it. Everyone is buried. |
I guess there's nothing for it but to keep exploring this end of the ship. |
[[branchingcorridor]] |
:: branchingcorridor |
Okay, so... past the bunks, there's a corridor that branches. |
The way to the galley looks pretty scorched. The other option is the lab. |
I'm afraid of what I'll find if I check on my rats. If the humans didn't make it, what chance do those little guys stand? |
<<choice [[Try the galley.|trythegalley]]>> | <<choice [[Try the lab.|trythelab]]>> |
:: tryinggalleydoor |
Man... you're a glutton for punishment, as long as it's somebody else's, huh? |
All right, against my better judgment, I'll take another swing at it. |
[[delay 3m|intogalley]] |
:: stilltryinggalley |
Okay, I don't want to say this is "impossible," because that sounds like I'm exaggerating... |
...so let's just say that getting into the galley is "improbable." |
Highly, HIGHLY improbable. |
It's starting to get late, anyway. The sun (er, star... Tau Ceti) is getting low on the horizon. |
I need to think about bedding down for the night. |
So, what do you think? Keep bashing this improbable door in the hopes that it gives in before I do? |
Or forget it for now and figure out my sleeping arrangements? |
<<choice [[Keep trying the door.|tryinggalleydoor]]>> | <<choice [[Forget it for now.|stoptryinggalleydoor]]>> |
:: trythelab |
<<silently>><<set $ratpellets = 1>><<endsilently>> |
Well, it's time to play Good News/Bad News. |
Good news: All my handwritten notes on the maze-running and food-seeking habits of Sprague Dawley rats in various gravities? |
So you can stop worrying that this whole trip was for nothing. We got the goods. |
Bad news: Their cage looks like it's been through a cage match. Half-crushed, warped from the heat. |
And the rats are nowhere to be found. |
I'd love to believe that they escaped into the ducts and that they're going to start repopulating this barren moon. |
I'm gonna leave my notes here. Who knows? In a million generations, these could be the planet's sacred historical texts. |
<<if $rations is 0>>Good(ish) news? I won't starve to death. I have rat food pellets and a half-full ball-spout water bottle. |
Look at that. I called it "half-full." |
Feelin' more optimistic already. |
So... I guess I can count my blessing and snack on rat food for a while... |
...or that can be a distant "Plan B," and I can go hunting for people food. |
<<if $triedgalley is 0>> |
<<choice [[People food! Try the galley.|trythegalley]]>> | <<choice [[Stick with rat food.|eatratfood]]>> |
<<elseif $triedgalley is 1>> |
<<choice [[Try the galley again.|tryinggalleydoor]]>> | <<choice [[Stick with rat food.|eatratfood]]>><<endif>> |
<<elseif $rations is 1>>And hey, in addition to the rations, I've now got a fallback stock of rat food pellets and a half-full ball-spout water bottle. |
Look at that. I called it "half-full." |
Feelin' more optimistic already. |
Anyway, like I said, it's getting late. I'd better try to work out sleeping plans. |
[[sleepingplans]]<<endif>> |
:: eatratfood |
Uh... yum? |
Rat pellets may count as caloric intake, but they're not about to win any awards for flavor. |
If I close my eyes, I can imagine that they're... uh... |
Nope. It's no good. I doubt anyone could trick themselves into thinking these were anything other than what they are. |
Eatin' rat food on the moon. Sounds like a lousy prog rock album. |
[[delay 4s|tasteslikeone]] |
:: trythegalley |
<<silently>><<set $triedgalley = 1>><<endsilently>> |
The door is... SUPER stuck! |
Fortunately, I am not above bashing it with scrap metal... |
...because, confidentially, I don't think we're getting our deposit back on this ship. |
I'm gonna keep at this for a bit because this is my best bet at finding rations. |
If I can just get through... this... damn... door! |
[[delay 3m|stilltryinggalley]] |
:: tasteslikeone |
Tastes like one, too. |
Okay, this is pretty good incentive to try to get into the galley and get some real food. |
Either that, or I'm gonna start making plans to bunk down for the night... |
...and just hope that I dream about something that'll get this taste out of my mouth. |
<<if $triedgalley is 1>> |
<<choice [[Try the galley again.|tryinggalleydoor]]>> | <<choice [[Get some shut-eye.|sleepingplans]]>> |
<<else>> |
<<choice [[Try the galley.|trythegalley]]>> | <<choice [[Get some shut-eye.|sleepingplans]]>> |
<<endif>> |
:: intogalley |
<<silently>><<set $rations = 1>><<set $hurtshoulder = 1>><<endsilently>> |
I totally pulled my shoulder out of joint! |
And it was totally worth it! |
Because I am in a great deal of pain WHILE AT THE SAME TIME eating chili macaroni and drinking bottled water. |
This chili mac is kind of nasty WHILE AT THE SAME TIME being the best thing I've ever eaten. |
It'll be gone soon, sadly... |
...and then I'll have to deal with the shoulder that I repeatedly hammered against a dead hydraulic door to get to the chili mac. |
But that's a problem for three-minutes-from-now-Taylor. |
<<if $ratpellets eq 1>>And I think we can ALL agree, this beats rat food any day. |
So I've got food and water taken care of, and rat pellets as a fallback plan. |
Guess it's time to start thinking about bedding down for the night. [[sleepingplans]] |
<<else>>So, now that food is handled, I can either go see what, if anything, is left of the lab... |
...or I can start trying to figure out some sleeping plans. What do you think? |
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