kei [633077] · MS 2015 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2016-12-17 23:38:22
조회수 806

어쩌다가 만들어본 영어 빈칸 문제

게시글 주소:

34. Curiosity about the object of knowledge and the willingness and openness to engage theoretical readings and discussions is fundamental. However, I am not suggesting an over-celebration of theory. We must not negate practice for the sake of theory. To do so would reduce theory to a pure verbalism or intellectualism. By the same token, to negate theory for the sake of practice, as in the use of dialogue as conversation, is to run the risk of losing oneself in the disconnectedness of practice. It is for this reason that I never advocate either a theoretic elitism or a practice ungrounded in theory, but the unity between theory and practice. In order to achieve this unity, one must have an epistemological curiosity – a curiosity                                                     .

*epistemological : 인식론(상)의

① which one is precondition for the other

② which one is superior to the other

③ that makes one practice to learn theory

④ that is often missing in dialogue as conversation

⑤ why intellectualism should be equated with theory

원문은 Paulo Freire의 Pedagogy of the Oppressed 서론입니다.

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