이상인T [698139] · MS 2016 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2019-09-16 21:18:57
조회수 836

[영어 이상인T] 변형문제 만들다가.. 몇문제 풀어볼까?

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00024637977


영어강사 이상인 입니다


오랜만에 여러분들에게 인사합니다 


오르비를 떠난지 어~언 1년이 다 되어가다 보니.. 이젠 저를 알고 있는 학생들보단 저를 모르는 학생들이 더 많을 듯 싶어.. 


서운하기도 하고


이번 9평 영어는 어떠셨습니까?


T를 포함한 많은 선생님들이 훌륭한 총평을 남겨주셨겠지만.. 


제가 여러분들에게 당부하고 싶은건.. 


이번 수능 영어가 쉽지만은 않을테니.. 열심히 준비하라는 것입니다


이번 6, 9평을 통해서 평가원은 우리에게 몇가지의 방향성을 보여주고 있습니다



짧게 요약해 보자면 


1. 직접연계의 문항 번호는 정해졌다.(29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38)


 이대로라면 이번 수능에서는 대의파악과 요약문에서의 직접연계는 없다고로 EBS를 공부하는 방향성이 달라져야 한다.



2. 순서삽입 문제는 올해 극강의 난이도를 보여줄 수 있다. 


 논리적 장치로서의 단절만이 아닌 논리적 흐름에서의 단절 부분을 찾아내는 훈련을 할 필요가 있다



3. 수능에서 24번은 호락호락하게 생각하지 마라 


 역대 6,9평 시험에서 24번이 쉬웠어도 수능에서는 어려웠다



지금 까지 열심히 해왔던대로 잘 마무리 해서 수능에서 꼭 좋은 성적을 거두길 바라요!! 



혹시 기억하세요작년 이맘때 


제가 모의고사를 만들다가 EBS 변형문제를 두 문제 올렸는데.. 


그 두 개가 수능에 선지까지 똑같이 나왔던거?? 


그래서 많은 학생들이 성지 순례 왔던거????   에헴


올해도 현강생들을 위해 모의고사와 변형문제를 만들다가.. 


계속 눈에 밟히는 것들이 있어.. 몇 개 올려 봅니다


머리 식힐 겸 한번 풀어보고 가세요


늘 여러분을 응원합니다!



1. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [수특 3강 4]


While we usually think negatively of deviance, it actually can prove functional in a society. Any hostility toward deviants promotes behavioral conformity with social expectations. It strengthens group identity by separating the nonconforming from the well-behaved members centering on an agreement on the norms. We may be familiar with the phrase "the exception makes the rule." Deviance shows us the boundary, or line, that must not be crossed, highlighting not only the importance of the norm but its relative permissible zone for behavior. For example, if there is a rule that "food is not permitted in the classroom," a person with the candy bar or bag of chips might not be admonished by the teacher; yet a person arriving to class with a fast-food meal experiences rebuke and ejection. Others in the class now know where the line is drawn and can                             .

① take your patterns of behavior hard

② overcome the boundaries and constraints of society

③ think positively about social deviance

④ adjust their patterns of behavior accordingly.

⑤ exceed social deviation and become a winner



 2. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [수특 8강 5]

Even after people learned the scientific method, many still pursued and believed in really weird things, and                                           . It’s hard to believe, but even simple things such as washing your hands to prevent infection were not fully accepted by the medical community until relatively recently on the human timeline. Even after it was discovered and documented that washing hands drastically reduced deadly fevers, the idea took a while to catch on. It was just too revolutionary, too weird. The idea of germs and microscopic organisms challenged a variety of other ideas, including that the source of disease was probably linked to things that stank, which was sort of true when you thought about it. In a world that had already invented the telephone and the lightbulb, hand-washing to prevent sickness met enough resistance that doctors argued about it for decades.

① they hung on to words of Shamans

② people opened their mind to innovative ideas

③ many old ideas died hard deaths

④ they systematized medicine in their own way

⑤ existing stereotypes were challenged fiercely




3. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [수능완성 2강 1]

Each person’s brain is unique, because each person’s life is also unique. The brain is not a computer; it’s a living thing. It becomes suited to our purpose. Biologically speaking, its purpose is to ensure our survival. So the brain modifies its structure in response to the different tasks it is required to do. It establishes the neural connections needed to meet particular challenges. The more we use certain parts of our brain, the more developed and efficient those parts of the brain become. The well-trodden pathways are the ones that become strongest. In an actor, the parts of the brain responsible for language and speech may be larger than average. In a taxi driver, it’s the area dealing with directions and spatial memory that is likely to be more highly developed. And so it goes on. Practice makes perfectbecause practice                the brain.

① diminishes

② tenses

③ exhausts

④ strengthens

⑤ changes




4. 글의 흐름으로 보아주어진 문장이 들어가기에 적절한 곳은?[수특 11강 7]


But behind these considerations is an unstated assumption: that it is one person’s ten unaided fingers that produce the sounds.



To know whether an artistic performance succeeds or fails requires that we know what counts as success or failure in any performance context. Music critics will consider a pianist’s tone, phrasing, tempo, accuracy, and ability to sustain a line or build to a climax. ① Speed and brilliance may be important considerations, which is not to say the fastest performance will be the best. ② The excitement a virtuoso pianist generates with a glittering shower of notes is intrinsically connected with this fact. ③ An aurally identical experience that is electronically synthesized can never dazzle us in the same way: sound synthesizers can produce individual notes as fast as you please, while pianists cannot. ④ Built into the thrill of hearing a virtuoso is admiration for what the performance represents as a(n) human achievement. ⑤ Forgery and other forms of fakery in the arts misrepresent the nature of the performance and so misrepresent achievement.


정답은 아래~~  













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