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Against Brexit
2 Years ago, Brits choose to leave EU. 52% of them
voted for Brexit, but situation is getting worse and
worse. According to economic study by the Centre
for European Reform (CER), the damage to the U.K.
economy caused by the vote to leave the European Union two years ago already exceeds the size of the budget contributions Britain will be able to claw back when it finally leaves the bloc. It means that the
treasury has less money to spend on public services, and U.K. won`t be able to enjoy a Brexit dividend.
The Guardian also said that “It shows that U.K.
economy is already 2.5% smaller than it would have been had remain won the referendum. Public
finances have been dented by £26bn a year, more
than half of the defence budget. This translates to a penalty of £500m a week, a figure that is growing.”
U.K. government officially admitted that U.K. fell out of world`s top five economies. U.K. PPP by capita is only $4000 higher than Korea and this gap will be
smaller in by the year.
Thus, public sentiment seems to stand for remaining EU nowadays. There were March against Brexit in
London and organisers said Million joined this march. Then would U.K. government can cancel their
decision? The answer is yes. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) say that U.K. could cancel the Article
50 without the permission of other 27 EU countries
by democratic progress. While possibility of no deal Brexit getting higher, those kind of arguments which stands for remaining seem to be more likely to
opinion of the public.
Interesting feature of Brexit referendum is that you
can divide result by how much residents earn and
how well educated they are. According to the
Guardian, resident with higher income and higher
eduction is more likely to stand for remaining EU.
It is ironic that people who need public welfare voted to Brexit, even it is causing bad effect to U.K. welfare budget. This shows incompetence of politicians and danger of populism. Politicians didn’t consider about what their decision will cause and 52% of Brits didn’t considered about their vote seriously. 30% of them
didn’t vote at all. I hope this to be lesson to
everybody who lives in democratic nation. Only 1
month is left to stop their stupid decision. I believe
PM May will make right decision for Brits including
people who live in Ireland and Gibraltar.
이거 첨삭 전이라 틀린부분 좀 많음. 그리고 글 마무리가 좀 많이 어색함ㅋㅋㅋ
0 XDK (+10,000)
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