GENESIS영어 [695038] · MS 2016 · 쪽지

2017-02-28 08:54:01
조회수 861

2011학년도 고3 6월 영어 모평 38번 어려운 문장 분석

게시글 주소:

2011학년도 고 3 6월 영어 모평 어려운 문장 분석 

Science, of course, is an indispensable source of information for the contemporary writer. It is, furthermore, a necessary part of his highly technological environment. Thus it is also an inevitable component of his sensibility and a decisive, even if often unrecognized, component of his creative imagination. But science is not in itself an elemental well-spring of literature. Even the most refined and precise research data are only raw materials which may or may not become literature. For whatever becomes a work of art of any kind does so as a result of an act of creation, an act of artistic composition, an act involving the art of make-believe. Scientific statements or remarks as such, even when they are valid, reliable, and comprehensive, are not literature.



For whatever becomes a work of art of any kind does so as a result of an act of creation, an act of artistic composition, an act involving the art of make-believe.

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