씨티뱅크 [336667] · 쪽지

2014-09-19 00:07:43
조회수 464

영어 빈칸추론문제 하나만 투척합니다 풀어주시면 감사하겠습니다 ㅎㅎ

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/0004883421

Q:다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오

         The distinction between the useful and the valuable is of great philosophical importance and requires further explanation. One way of explaining it is this. The activities of any individual can be divided into two broad categories-work and leisure. There are other distinctions with which this can be (but ought not to be) confused. The distinction between work and leisure is not that between the dreary and the pleasurable, for instance. Some people find their work a source of great personal satisfaction and others find that leisure activities and pall. Nor is it a distinction between employment and non-employment. The possessor of vast inherited wealth, who is not employed, is working, in the relevant sense, when he keeps track of his millions or draws more money from the bank. Similarly, unemployed people in receipt of social security of working, in this same sense, when they stand in line to collect their welfare benefit or fill in the forms bureaucracy requires.Therefore, The distinction between work and leisure, then,  is really (                                                                                                ).

1) differentiated by whether it is forced by other person of high authority or by voluntary will

2) between those activities which are indispensible to living and those which make living meaningful 

3) a difference between paid work for financial rewards or just voluntary works for self-complacence

4) differing greatly from people to people depending on personal criteria they possess in their minds

5) a question with unconfined answer that can possibly differ greatly from provided circumstances

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