루나14 [684650] · MS 2016 · 쪽지

2017-03-27 22:15:28
조회수 5,333

수능특강 영어독해연습 변형문제 3탄(9강 부터 11강까지)

게시글 주소: https://orbi.kr/00011626127

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수능특강 영어독해연습 변형문제3.docx

9강부터 11강까지 변형문제 입니다. 이전에 업로드 한 것은 10강 앞부분까지 밖에 없어서 추가해서 다시 업로드 합니다.열공하세요!추가 문제 예시57.다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중,문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지않은것은?The majority of medical errors are flaws in thinking rather than technical or implementation flaws. Through①ampleuse of checklists and structured decision-making models, medical procedures are generally implemented with high precision. However, if a physician missed a presenting symptom or did not rule out②alternatehypotheses, then the treatment would not meet the actual need of the patient, and the result would not be the desired one. A classic example of this is the overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics can be effective for treating bacterial infections, but they are③uselessfor viral infections. There are certainly tests to help determine whether the source of a sinus infection is viral or bacterial. However, because the tests are costly and take time to produce results, many physicians used to④utilizethose tests, assume a bacterial infection, and prescribe antibiotics. Not only would the antibiotics be ineffective for helping⑤overcomeviral infections, but the unintended consequence is that we have an increasing number of bacteria strains resistant to what were once effective medications. *sinus infection부비강염**strain (동식물질병 등의)종류[유형]58.다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중,어법상틀린것은?The worst drought since record keeping began about a century ago began in 2005, bringing many problems to the Amazon basin. In western Brazil, there were three times as many fires in September 2005 as during September 2004. In some areas water levels have dropped so low①thatsome communities that depend on streams for transportation are completely isolated. Crops rot because they cannot be transported to market, and children cannot get to school. Fish die in the swallow water,②forcingpeople to depend on government food packages. Streams do not flow③enough toremove human waste, and the backup of sewage raises fears of an epidemic of cholera and other waterborne illnesses. Stagnant pools allow mosquitoes to breed, which④havethe potential to increase the number of cases of malaria. The Amazon drought⑤was blamedon high ocean temperatures in the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which are likely the result of global warming.*basin (큰 강의)유역**epidemic (병풍속 따위의)만연,유행***stagnant고여 있는

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